Community Members/Support Organizations Referral Form

Minnesota Freedom Fund pays cash bail for those who can’t afford it. We believe wealth should never decide who is kept in detention and who goes free. MFF is a revolving bail fund; we will never ask the person filling out this form or the person we've paid bail for to pay us back. PLEASE NOTE: We only post bail in the state of Minnesota. If you need bail assistance in another state, you may be able to find a local bail fund at

If you are a case manager with access to your client in jail, you must obtain a signed Assignment of Bail to a Third Party Form. We require a separate signed form for each county where your client has a bail or warrant. By making a referral on behalf of a client, you are expected to inform them that you are making a formal request for bail, but with no guarantee that MFF will pay. If you have any questions about making a referral, please email

Unless there is a change in the person’s case, please do not submit duplicate referrals for the same person. If this is your first time submitting a referral, or if you would like to see a list of our priority groups, check out our website for tips and frequently asked questions

To make a referral on behalf of yourself or someone out of custody with a warrant, please fill out the form below.

All fields marked with * are required.

MFF may contact you with updates or further questions, so it is strongly encouraged to provide a working email and phone number.

It is necessary that MFF can stay in contact with the person in custody after they are released. Please provide a phone number if you have it; if you do not have their contact information, enter "N/A"

Note: we do not make collections calls. :

What is the home address of the person in custody? This can be a P.O. Box number as well as a shelter where they often stay.

If you don't have this information, enter "N/A" in all address fields and clarify in the "Special Concerns" section if it is due to one of the following reasons: this information is unknown, they do not have a permanent address, or if the protected party lives at their last known address.

While it is not a requirement, having a case number makes it easier for us to keep track of the person in custody.

For more information about how to get the case number of the person in custody, search "court file number" on our resource page or click here.

What is the total bail amount needed? Please put only number values here. Do not enter commas or dollar signs.

Providing the name of an attorney can help speed up getting bail assistance. You can usually find the name of their attorney by looking up their case number in the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) While this information is optional, we ask that you please provide it if you have it readily available.

Please tell us if there are any special concerns we should be aware of that put the person in custody at risk for harm because they are detained. (ex. Fear of ICE, chemical dependency, pregnancy, homelessness, individuals on suicidal watch, trans individuals, health concerns, they are a caretaker, might lose housing or job, police violence, etc.

If you listed "Other" as an option anywhere on the form, please clarify that here.

Please list up to two support contacts. We will contact this person to let them know when the person’s bail is about to be paid so that they can make any necessary transportation arrangements. This can be anyone willing to provide support after their release. For example, a family member, a friend, a teacher, a caseworker, a religious leader, etc. You can list yourself as a support person if you would like to be contacted and stay informed about this request.

If you are under HIPAA and list yourself as a support person, we will need a signed Release of Information form. Please share this with us so we can ask any necessary follow-up questions. Email signed ROI to

We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible if the request is within our limits. As a reminder, we prioritize populations most harmed in this system. If you would like to see these priority groups, visit the F.A.Q on our website. Unless there is a change in the person needing bail's case, please only submit one application. Thank you.

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